Sunday, September 13, 2009

To do something good for everyone and everything

When you have the time or have a desire to help Mother Earth, nature, animals and humans.

1. Sit or lie down and relax.
2. Breathe the whole way down to the stomach. (Inn with the nose and out with the mouth)
3. Move a little, or span all muscles to let go of old energies and imbalances.
4. Search now for the cleanest and purest light that you can get in touch with.
5. Let the Crown chakra find the connection and take in the light, and fill your heartchakra.
6. Fill yourself up with the pure pure light.
7. Open up your heartchakra and give out of this pure light to The earth, nature, animals and humans.
8. See that you got a little left of the pure light within you.
9. End the meditation as you like or you can thank the universe.

Give the pure light to those you love,
to countries that need a little extra understanding and help,
the Earth's soul and spirit, nature and animals.
Give out to everything that you see as important.
For Earth well.

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